

Dr. Shai L. Butler/Co-Chair

Shai Butler

Eileen Cusick教授/联合主席

Eileen Cusick


2022年春季- 2023年春季

Definitions of Acronyms used in the Membership table are listed below the table of members.

Name Email Address 学校/部门/工作区域 部门/部门 职位/头衔/所属单位
Shai Butler slbutler@walletyer.com Advancement & 对外事务 Advancement & 对外事务 进步副总裁 & 对外事务/ Executive Director to the 十大彩票平台基金会/ Co-chair, 策略规划专责小组/ NUP
Eileen Cusick cusick@walletyer.com LAPS 办公室资讯科技 教授/联合, 战略规划工作队/联合主席, NECHE标准7, Information Resources/ Hiring Committees/ MCCC
Donna Richer dmgarza@walletyer.com Advancement & 对外事务 Advancement & 对外事务 Executive Assistant to the VP of Advancement and 对外事务/ Administrative Lead, 策略规划专责小组
Dan Surdyka dfsurdyka@walletyer.com 信息技术 IT Applications 网站管理员/传播主管, 策略规划专责小组/ NECHE Committee Member Standard #9/ NUP
克里斯蒂娜阿特沃特 cratwater@walletyer.com LAPS 工商管理 教授/联合, NECHE/ FYE/ Chair, Curriculum Committee/ Chair, AUC/ MCCC
Debra Avery ddavery@walletyer.com Facilities Facilities Sr. Director of Facilities/ NECHE Committee/ NUP
Karolyn Burgos- Toribio kmburgostoribio0001@walletyer.com 社区参与 社区参与

Community Outreach Counselor, Lead / Former Student Trustee 2017-2019 / Alumnus

Shaun Bush svbush2101@walletyer.com Facilities Facilities Project Manager/ alumni/ Past general contractor at 十大彩票平台/ NUP
Brian Candido blcandido@walletyer.com STEM STEM/计算机技术 Department Chair/ Professor/ 战略规划 2016, Commerce Redesign Team 2018, NECHE 2010/ MCCC
Jason Cohen jlcohen@walletyer.com Administration & Finance Administration & Finance Senior Director of Finance and Budgets/ NECHE Accreditation/ NUP
Joelle Connor Jsconnor@walletyer.com SHPS Dental Sciences Program Director -Dental Assistant Program/ Smoke Free Campus Committee / Foundation Board Committee/ MCCC
Maria Fonseca mlfonseca@walletyer.com 学生评估 学生考试中心 学生评核协调员
Gladys Franco gnfranco@walletyer.com 员工发展 员工发展 Assistant Vice President of 员工发展/ NUP
Matthew Gravel mgravel@walletyer.com 学术事务 学术事务 Dean of Academic Initiatives/ 2011 and 2021 self-study committees/ NUP
Tom Guzowski teguzowski@walletyer.com SHPS 物理治疗师助理 副教授/招聘委员会/ MCCC
Vanessa Hill vhill@walletyer.com STEM STEM Special Assistant to President/ Professor/ NECHE self-study/ MCCC
Vonetta快脚 vmlightfoot@walletyer.com 多元文化事务 多元文化事务 运营经理/ NECHE-标准1, AIA, CCRT, 预防外伤性疾病委员会, ERG Chair-BPG, HEIF股权大使/ BIPOC/ NUP
Miguel Maria mamaria2101@walletyer.com 学生事务 学生事务 Director, Male Initiative for Leadership and Education (MILE)
詹妮弗·麦克尼尔 jrmcneill@walletyer.com Admissions 招生/学生事务 Admissions Counselor/ AIA Committee/ CCRT Team/ Hiring committees/ MCCC
安德里亚内桑森 anathanson@walletyer.com Administration & Finance Administration & Finance Vice President Administration / Chief Financial Officer/ 共同治理 Committee/ NUP
Eugene Noble ejnoble@walletyer.com 制度研究 制度研究 副主任
Kim Noel knoel@walletyer.com Library Library 图书管理员/ AFSCME
Melissa Pereira mapereira2001@stcc.edu SHPS 健康资讯科技 教练/ MCCC
Sean Pettis skpettis@walletyer.com 信息技术 IT基础设施 Sr. 基础设施和安全总监/ NUP
萨曼莎Plourd seplourd2201@walletyer.com 学生事务 学生事务 招生和留校主任 & Completion/ NUP
Reena Randhir rrandhir@walletyer.com STEM Biology 助理教授/ MCCC
安东尼Rondinelli arondinelli@walletyer.com LAPS 工商管理 Professor/ 十大彩票平台基金会, alumni representative/ MCCC
Lisa Thompson llthompson2101@walletyer.com Facilities Facilities Buyer IV Facilities/ Former Dual Enrollment Student / MCPPO / AFSCME
詹妮弗·华莱士-约翰逊 jwjohnson@walletyer.com LAPS 社会与行为科学 助理教授/ MCCC
Mary Wiseman mwiseman@walletyer.com CODL 学术事务 Director of Instructional Innovation and Faculty Investment/ NECHE Committee Member Strategy #6, AIA创始委员会成员, AIA 专业发展 Sub Committee Chair, 2020- 2022学年计划委员会工作./ NUP

Definitions of Acronyms used in Membership table

  • AFSCME - American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (union on campus)
  • AIA -反种族主义和包容联盟
  • AUC -全单位评议会. 学院的共同治理机构. All employees below the level of director are automatically members, regardless of shift or full time/part time status
  • BIPOC -黑人、土著人和有色人种
  • BPG -黑人专业人士团体
  • CCRT -协调社区应变小组
  • ERG -员工资源组
  • FYE -第一年工作经验
  • HEIF -高等教育创新基金
  • HSI -西班牙裔服务机构
  • LAPS – School of Liberal and Professional Studies
  • MCCC – Massachusetts Community College Council (union on campus)
  • MILE - Male Initiative for Leadership and Education
  • NECHE -新英格兰高等教育委员会
  • NUP -非单位专业人员(非工会)
  • OVW - OVW-暴力侵害妇女问题办公室
  • SHPS -健康与病人模拟学院
  • STEM – School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics


  • 两名学生代表
  • 校董会 representative: Elizabeth Oleksak-Sposito, R.N., B.S.N.,校董会秘书(联络)
  • 教育部代表:博士. Winifred Hagen, Senior Associate Commissioner for 战略规划 and Public Program Approval (liaison)


CampusWorks Inc. has over 20 years of experience providing educational leadership and strategic advisory services to higher education. CampusWorks was chosen as 十大彩票平台’s strategic planning partner for their extensive experience with community colleges, their robust process for inclusion of stakeholder groups, their alignment with 十大彩票平台’s culture and community engagement needs, 以及他们以学生为中心的理念. Javon Brame, Senior Optimization Executive; Samantha Kessler, 制度研究 & Reporting Consultant; and Kevin David, PhD, Executive Account Director serve as 十大彩票平台's primary consulting team members.